Bite-sized and future-focused
Micro-credentials are short, accredited, assessed, industry-powered qualifications. These bite-sized programmes allow professionals to control their own development while enabling companies to nurture and retain top talent and increase their competitive advantage.
Each element of the journey promises to be an energising learning experience leading to a world class qualification.
Micro-Credentials Programme Portfolio
- Advanced Negotiation Skills -> Professional Diploma in Organisational Behaviour
- Strategic People Management -> Professional Diploma in Management
- Digital Disruption and Transformation -> Professional Diploma in Digital Leadership
- Finance for Non-Financial Managers -> Professional Diploma in Management
Why choose Micro-Credentials at IMI?
- Organisational benefit: Organisations can recognise and integrate critical skills into their workforce, while also facilitating individuals’ career growth in a highly customisable way.
- Driving your learning: Micro-credentials will empower you to drive your professional learning and provide room for reflection.
- Updating your knowledge: Micro-credentials allow you to continually update your knowledge. Upskill and build competencies in a flexible, fast and affordable way.
For more information, click here to download a brochure.