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Talent Forum Cork: Talent for what? A critical review of talent management today

Talent management is a critical element of the mandate of HR Directors and CEOs alike. In the first Talent Forum in Cork in 2018, Prof. Anthony McDonnell of UCC will discuss how, despite its importance, there is a lack of research-based evidence on the impacts of talent strategy.

This forum will pull apart and challenge your thinking around talent management.

  • Talent for what? What do we mean by talent management strategy and why are we investing in it?
  • How can we better identify the right talent for the right priorities?
  • Is talent really in short supply or are we not looking in the right way?
  • How do grow organically by unlocking our talent’s potential?
  • How do we disentangle performance from potential?

Anthony McDonnell
 (PhD, BBS, MCIPD) is Professor of Management and Head of the Department of Management and Marketing at the Cork University Business School. Anthony is co-director of the Human Resource Research Centre at UCC which will be launched in May 2018 and is currently (Co)Editor-in-Chief of the world leading Human Resource Management Journal.

Speaker: Prof. Anthony McDonnell
Date: 24 April 2018
Registration: 3.30pm – 4.00pm | Workshop: 4.00pm – 6.00pm
Where: The Kingsley Hotel, Victoria Cross, Cork

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