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People Strategy Network – OD as an Innovation Driver with Christof Paulischta

A lone individual with a bright idea is no longer enough to bring innovation to life. Instead, the right organisation, culture and processes need to be in place to allow development pains to be overcome and for there to be success in the marketplace.

Christof Paulischta, Human Capital Consulting at Deloitte will lay out in this session how OD is driving a new way for organisations to innovate, and how you can execute this new vision within your context. Drawing on global studies and a lifetime of hands-on experience, Christof will look at how culture is critical for change and how you can begin shaping a future-fit organisation.

When you want your talent to succeed, you must open the lanes of innovation so they can move fast in the right direction.

Date: 28th May 2020

Time: 9.30am – 11am

Online Platform – Zoom

Transform Membership Only – please email membership@imi.ie
if you are a transform member and would like to register for this session