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Mini Masterclass 2: Building a Culture of Innovation – Laurence Knell

Innovation does not just happen – it requires leadership, hard work, and a laser-like focus on successful execution. More than that, innovation also requires a culture supportive of new and disruptive thinking.

Laurence Knell is director of Strategic Innovation Partners and co-founder of Brain for Business, an initiative bringing the lessons of neuroscience to the world of organisations. During this Mini-Masterclass, participants will explore the building blocks of a culture of innovation and recognise how they, as leaders in their organisation, can revolutionise their culture to ensure that innovation practices are embedded in their organisation’s DNA for years to come.

Driving growth internally requires a culture which is “innovation ready” – it’s up to leaders to create the conditions and practices to allow an innovative culture to develop.

Date: 11th June 2020

Time: 9.30am – 11am

Venue: Online Platform – Zoom

Please email membership@imi.ie to register